onsdag den 19. december 2007

Oddset på nettet

Så er der endelig en hjemmeside kun for Drengerøve: Det drejer sig om Sport - selvfølgelig primært vores allesammens nationale sofa sport - Fodbold. Oddset udlodder også en præmie i form af et pizza gavekort til en værdi af 5000,-
Det kræver blot at din kæreste har sagt noget som er tilstrækkeligt dumt vedrørende sport. Der er masser af andet godt på siden - tjek det ud:

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Over 5500 acres of rain forest destroyed daily

Trees are able to store a large amount of CO2 in their structures. An acre of forest will absorb about 10 times the CO2 amount absorbed by an acre of crop land or grassland. One tree absorbs about 13 pounds of CO2 per year, and each one acre of forest absorbs about 2.8 tons of CO2. However, when trees are burned, the carbon locked in the structure is released into the air in the form of CO2. Today, the shrinking world forests are not able to absorb all the CO2 created by human beings while burning fossil fuels. Everyday over 5500 acres of rain forest are destroyed, and over 50 million acres are destroyed every year. Global CO2 levels rise approximately 0.4 percent each year, to levels not experienced on this planet for millions of years. Planting more trees and reducing timber cuts world-wide will help restore the imbalance, and perhaps buy time as ways are found to reduce world greenhouse gas emissions.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - story - greven

tirsdag den 18. december 2007


Trees play a unique role in the global carbon cycle. They are the largest land-based natural mechanism for removing CO2 from the air. (CO2 is also removed by the oceans and ocean organisms.)

...it is getting late (or rather early)- have to go on tomorrow....

Håndværker - colic-help - skateshop - nano - cphpro


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mandag den 3. december 2007

The Netherlands will flood

In 1992, a report was published by the United Nations, which proposes that if CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions continue with present trends (which is the case), the coastal plains of Bangladesh and the Netherlands will flood by the year 2100. Furthermore, the islands of the Maldives would completely disappear. This would happen if only a two foot increase in sea level occured.

Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - promise - game